Intro to Free Motion Quilting - March 23, 10am-12:30pm
$80.00 USD
Learn the basics of Free Motion Quilting. Bring your own machine and learn how to set it up, solve common problems, and a set of beginning motifs to get you started on your FMQ journey.
Class Difficulty Rating: 1
Materials Needed for Class:
- Your own sewing machine
- Free motion machine foot
- Needles
- Thread - contrasting color to fabric so you can see your quilting
- Scissors
- Notebook or printer paper (min 10 pages)
- Pencil/Pen
- Quilt sandwich that is already basted (top/batting/backing
- Quick + easy way to do this is to buy solids (4 FQs or 2 half yards)
Instructor: Colby Cartledge